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Relay Pumping With Large Diameter Hose

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FD Interface with Fire Protection Systems

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Dry Fire Hydrants Seminar

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Suction Strainer Flow Test Project:Test Results

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 Welcome to the Official Website for GBW Associates, LLC.


GotBigWater is the official website of GBW Associates, LLC, a privately owned training, consulting, and design firm located in Westminster, Maryland. Our specialty is water supply for public and private fire protection. We at GBW Associates, LLC are known for our training programs, our consulting services, our dry hydrants, and our testing services. Over the years, we have completed projects in over 42 different states and Canada ranging from rural water supply and incident command seminars to ISO water supply assessments to community master planning.

Use the menu at the left to take a look at our services and to contact us.  Be sure to check out the News Archive and  Big Water Information sections for a whole bunch of information on water supply delivery operations.

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Suction Hose #16 - Every Little Bit Can Help

President Mark Davis, February 13

A simple photo from our 2008 seminar in Strong, Maine. Phillips Engine 4 (1000 gpm/3000 gal) was used to support dump site operations at the 2-hour drill. About an hour into the operation, the crews were able to round up several lengths of 3-inch suction hose from a couple rigs carrying portable pumps and they used that suction hose to bolster Engine 4's output ability. All of the suction hose ... (Full Story & Photos)

The additional suction line on the driver's side allowed the 1000 gpm pumper to improve its output. The operator of the pumper was already drafting from the officer side suction inlet prior to the auxiliary intake being brought on line.
The additional suction line on the driver's side allowed the 1000 gpm pumper to improve its output. The operator of the pumper was already drafting from the officer side suction inlet prior to the auxiliary intake being brought on line.

Some creative fabrication made for a pretty effective water transfer device.
Some creative fabrication made for a pretty effective water transfer device.

Dump Site Operations #35 - Homemade Jet Siphon - Northampton, New Brunswick

President Mark Davis, February 06

Some photos of another homemade jet siphon water transfer device; this time from our 2015 seminar in Northampton, New Brunswick with the Jolly Farmer Fire Brigade. The folks fabricated a jet powered siphon tube from some 8-inch metal tubing and powered it with a 1-1/2" (38mm) hose. The device transferred water pretty efficiently during the two-hour drill. The key to its successful use was to keep ... (Full Story & Photos)

What's On Your Engine #20 - Another Important Adaptor

President Mark Davis, January 30

If you run external suction inlet control valves on your pumper and those valves are outfitted with 4-inch or 5-inch Storz fittings, then a very important adaptor to carry is a Storz to threaded suction hose adaptor. In most cases these days, this is going to be a 4-inch or 5-inch Storz to 6-inch NH male adaptor. The purpose of the adaptor is to allow a second suction line to be brought on-line while ... (Full Story & Photos)

If you run an external suction inlet control valve outfitted with a Storz intake fitting, then a Storz to threaded suction hose adaptor is a pretty important adaptor to carry.
If you run an external suction inlet control valve outfitted with a Storz intake fitting, then a Storz to threaded suction hose adaptor is a pretty important adaptor to carry.

"Flat" and "level" are relative terms when it comes to dump tank operations.
"Flat" and "level" are relative terms when it comes to dump tank operations.

Dump Site Operations #35 - Dump Tank Usable Capacity

President Mark Davis, January 23

When using a portable dump tank operation to supply water to the fireground, sometimes additional dump tanks are needed just to gain more usable capacity because of the storage capacity lost due to the slope or grade of the road surface. These photos from our 2015 seminar in Jefferson County, WV show exactly that. The slope of the dump site area significantly impacted usable capacity of each dump ... (Full Story & Photos)

Dry Hydrant Design #69 - Glue and Paint

President Mark Davis, January 16

We recently had a social media inquiry regarding the brand of PVC cement we use during our dry fire hydrant installations and repairs. For the past 15+ years we have used Oatey heavy duty cement and primer. No special reason why, it simply was the cement and primer for sale at the plumbing supply store where we bought our first PVC pipe and fittings. The products have served us well ever since. ... (Full Story & Photos)

Heavy duty PVC cement and primer is key to strong connections.
Heavy duty PVC cement and primer is key to strong connections.

Making an LDH manifold work in a relay pumping scenario.
Making an LDH manifold work in a relay pumping scenario.

LDH Appliances #13 - LDH Manifold in a Relay Pumping Operation

President Mark Davis, January 09

We found a few photos from our 2011 LDH/Relay Pumping Seminar in Hyde Park, NY. We laid out about a mile of 5-inch hose and added in a pumper here and there using different appliances. The challenge at the location shown in the photos was the use of a traditional, LDH manifold and a pumper that did not have a high-flow discharge. The scenario was water already flowing with the manifold in place upon ... (Full Story & Photos)

Dump Site Operations #34 - Homemade Jet Siphon - Marion County, Kansas

President Mark Davis, January 02

A couple photos from our 2010 seminar in Marion County, Kansas. We had a great time there and got to work with some really nice older apparatus that did the job just fine! One of the rigs had a homemade, 6-inch jet siphon water transfer device. The folks used the device to transfer water during the 2-hr drill and it seemed to meet the needs of the operation. In our opinion, the key to the device's ... (Full Story & Photos)

No Caption
No Caption Closing Out Another Year!

President Mark Davis, December 26

As 2024 comes to a close we want to thank everyone who contributed to our success this year. We completed dry fire hydrant installations in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Tennessee, and Vermont; delivered seminars in Alabama, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Dakota, and Texas; and conducted a bunch of fire hydrant flow tests in the Baltimore/Washington Region. The year ... (Full Story & Photos)


Your questions and feedback are important to us!  If you have a question about water supply or pumps or FD stuff in general, join our Members area (for free) to post your inquiry. We will provide our thoughts and perhaps other folks in the field will provide theirs also. 

Also - be sure to sign the guest book if this is your first time here - guestbook.


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Firehouse Solutions
GBW Associates, LLC
3178 Cardinal Drive
Westminster, MD 21157

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