Our seminar participants know we put a bunch of emphasis on tankers (tenders) being loaded up with usable equipment for dump site and fill site operations. These rigs are like the Snap-on Tool guys making the rounds from service facility to service facility. During our seminar in Caroline County, Maryland we got to see Denton VFC's Tanker 300 in action and were impressed with how they outfitted the rig for water supply operations. Not only does the rig bring 3500-gallons of water and a 1500 gpm pump to the game, the rig is outfitted with a whole bunch of good, top-performing water supply tools and appliances. Kudos to the folks who put in the good work on the design and outfit of Tanker 300.
Besides bringing water and a dump tank, Tanker 300 (2021 4-Guys) brings a whole bunch of stuff to support rural water supply operations.
A 3000-gal dump tank on one-side and suction hose on the other. Fill lines ready for deployment.