Simple Often Works Best #1
By President Mark Davis
September 16, 2011

We seem to be in somewhat of an era where big, complex fire trucks that do all kinds of things and carry all kinds of stuff are the popular type of firetruck to have. However, we older folks are often reminded that "simple is often best." And...we still appreciate the simple approaches to handling the basics of fire fighting activities. One such basic is water supply. The folks at the Granby FD in Granby, Massachusetts have done a pretty good job of taking a realistic approach to delivering fire protection water throughout their community - which by the way is about 98% non-hydranted.

Recently, the Granby FD replaced an old hose reel truck with a flat bed, stake body type of hose truck. The hose reel truck was old and in need of repairs and really did not fit into the current staffing and response plans. But...the 5-inch hose was still useable and the hose did fit into response plans given the layout of the town and its certified water "holes."

So...a stake body style truck was obtained through government surplus and with just a few FD dollars, a new (used) hose truck was placed into service. The new rig is more user friendly for drivers and can carry more personnel than the old reel is "simple."

While the new hose truck is certainly not a "first-out" piece, it clearly can support the water supply operations of the two pumpers and the one water supply rig operated by the department.