Dry Hydrant Design #68 - Bridgewater, Vermont
By President Mark Davis
November 21, 2024

Earlier this week we completed another dry fire hydrant installation in Vermont....this time in the Town of Bridgewater. After the bridge suffered flood damage last year and the existing, "fixed" dry fire hydrant was rendered inoperable, the Bridgewater Fire Department contacted us about the installation of one of our systems. In October we were able to asses the bridge and found it a good candidate for one of our angle-mount designs. Although lift is bit high at the location (16 feet) the access to the water is very important and the Town and FD agreed to move forward with the installation.

We were able to compete the work in about a day and the November weather held out and allowed us to progress without any delays. The installation also used our Jericho Ice Spike; a new feature that we are trying out to help break through ice (less than 2 -inches) during the winter months. Most of the time ice is not a factor because of the moving water but folks in the colder climates have asked about a better means to deploy the DFH during ice conditions...so the spike is our attempt to help out. Thus far....so good.