Hauling Water - The Maine Way |
By President Mark Davis | |
May 23, 2024 | |
On May 19th, a bunch of folks from Franklin County used two engines and six tankers to haul water during our 2-hour rural water supply drill. The drill culminated our 16-hr Rural Water Supply Operations Seminar that was sponsored by the Franklin County Firemen's Association and hosted by the Strong Fire Department. The first half of the drill used a rural hitch operation to support the water flow needs. The second half of the drill had the crews transition to a dump tank operation where a peak flow of about 900 gpm was achieved. A single fill site along Valley Brook was used as the water source for the drill and that site provided about a 2.2-mile round trip for rigs hauling water. Many thanks to the sponsor and host for providing excellent logistical support and hospitality. Instructors for the weekend were Mark Davis and Alan Butsch. |
Units: | Kingfield Tanker 3 (500gpm/2000gal), New Sharon Tanker (1250gpm/2600gal), Rangely Engine 4 (1250gpm/750gal), Strong Tanker 71 (1250gpm/2500gal), Strong Rescue 73 (1500gpm/1000gal), Wilton Tanker 1 (1250gpm/2000gal), Industry Tanker 1 (750gpm/2500gal) , and Temple Tanker 3 (1250gpm/3000gal). |