Hauling Water - Lakes Region Style!
By President Mark Davis
May 10, 2018

On May 6, 2018, units from 13 fire departments in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire participated in a rural water supply drill held in Meredith, NH. The drill was the culmination of our 16-hr Rural Water Supply Operations Seminar sponsored by the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid's Training Division and hosted by Chief Ken Jones and the Meredith FD. Ten tankers used two fills sites to support a 1,400 gpm peak flow at the dump site. A 1,250 gpm pumper used triple suctions and four dump tanks to supply the 1,400 gpm (plus three jet siphons) to the attack pumper. The whole operation got started using the rural hitch and then transitioned to a dump tank operation once a 750 gpm flow was begun. The program was well-atteneded and the logistical support was excellent. Instructors for the weekend were Mark Davis and Tom Coe. A complete summary will be posted in a couple of weeks.