Hauling Water - Alberta Style
By President Mark Davis
May 11, 2017

The folks in High Level, Alberta spent the afternoon of May 8th refining their water hauling skills by running a tender shuttle drill. The drill was the culmination of our Rural Water Supply Operations Seminar which was sponsored and hosted by Chief Rodney Schmidt and the High Level Fire Department. The Town of High Level is located in far northern section of Alberta and besides the extreme cold of winter and the summer threat of wildfire, the greatest challenge for tender shuttle operations is getting tenders. When your mutual aid response is more than 70km away - running a tender shuttle can be quite a challenge. The seminar was attended by folks from the area as well as the North West Territories. Folks worked on using portable pumps to access remote water sources and they worked on operating a two-dump tank supply operation. This was our third visit to Alberta and once again...a great time was had. A complete summary will be posted in a week or so.