Dry Fire Hydrant Design 06 - Securing a Suction Strainer
By President Mark Davis
October 20, 2016

When installing a dry fire hydrant in a pond, one concern is the need to anchor the suction strainer. When the pipe does not run out into the pond very far (say less than 10-ft from the shoreline), then the need to secure the strainer is not that critical. However, as the length of pipe in the water increases, then the need to secure the strainer increases as well. When using PVC pipe, the issue is floatation. When the pump operator back flushes the dry fire hydrant before using it, a large plug of air will move through the pipe from the suction head to the suction strainer giving buoyancy to the system. Thus, securing long lengths of pipe and the suction strainer is important.

The suction head shown in this photo is secured and supported using designed support points. (Photo provided by Member Harry Harty).