What's on Your Tanker 02? Bastrop FD (Texas)
By President Mark Davis
November 12, 2015

The folks in Bastrop FD (Texas) have done a nice job of developing a water supply delivery model that includes four, 2000-gallon tenders. The four tenders are basically identical and are distributed between the department's four stations. Each tender carries 2,000 gallons of water and a 3,000-gallon dump tank. The tenders were built by Ferrara and are equipped with 1,000 gpm pumps, 4-inch direct fill lines, and 10-inch rear dumps. Each tender also carries a CET 500 gpm portable pump.

We had the pleasure of working with the folks from Bastrop FD on several occasions at our rural water supply operations seminars - they do a great job of moving "big water." They also are part of our 1,000 GPM Club.