Wilmot VFD (New Hampshire) Command Seminar
By President Mark Davis
January 26, 2015

Chief Tom Scully and the folks at the Wilmot VFD in Wilmot, New Hampshire hosted our 16-hr Practical Applications of Incident Command for Small Town and Rural FDs Seminar this past weekend. The program was attended by officers and members of the Wilmot VFD as well as some of the surrounding towns. The focus of the weekend was to review the basics of incident command as well as the strategies and tactics associated with varous type of structure fire incidents as well as other types of incidents commonly experienced in the small town and rural settings.

Seminar participants had an opportunity to be unit officers and incident commanders on a variety of incidents - a shed fire, house fire, chimney fire, MVC with rescues, church fire, restaurant fire, hardware store fire, etc. And...everyone did a really nice job and improved their own personal abilities in terms of gaining control of an incident scene.

Instructors for the weekend seminar were Shane Darwick and Mark Davis. The hosts provided great logisitical support and the lunch food was superb - which is ALWAYS important at a FD training event!