Drafting Tip #08 - Cam Lock Suction Hose - Winfield VFD
By President Mark Davis
September 18, 2014

During our rural water supply operations seminar last year for the Valley Shore Mutual Aid Association in Connecticut, we had a chance to see the use of cam lock fittings on suction hose during drafting operations. The concept seemed quite practical and the use was clearly very simple. Much of the "hook-up" work could be completed by one person. Recently, the folks at the Winfield VFD in Carroll County, Maryland began a change-over to 6-inch cam lock fittings on all suction hose carried on their two pumpers (40-ft per pumper). They posted a number of video clips about their cam lock changeover on their YouTube channel - we have chosen a couple to share with our readership here at www.gotbigwater.com.

As one can see in the dry hydrant "hook-up" video clip, the cam locks make drafting a one-person operation - in most instances if needed.