Portable Pump Use #2 - 5-inch LDH Used to Support an Open Relay
By President Mark Davis
February 14, 2019

We have seen a number of portable fire pumps used to support water supply operations during our travels across the U.S. and Canada delivering our training seminars. It is clear that the folks most successful in portable pump use understand the flow and pressure limitations of the pumps and have figured out how to maximize pump output.

While searching through some photos we found several from our 2010 seminar in Deer Creek, Illinois. Several fire departments in the area were successful in receiving a federal grant for regional water supply improvement. Portable pumps and a bunch of 5-inch LDH and appliances were part of the grant award. During our 2-hr tanker shuttle drill, one of the fill sites was supplied by two, 500-gpm CET portable pumps taking water from a nearby creek. The pumps supplied that water via 250 feet of 5-inch LDH to a portable dump tank where a 1,000 gpm pumper then drafted and loaded tankers. The key to the success of the open relay was the use of the LDH on the portable pumps. The 5-inch hose's reduced friction loss allowed the pumps to pump their water over the 250 ft distance at a usable volume and pressure. The operation was an excellent example of portable pump use to support tanker fill site operations.