What's on Your Tanker? #15 - More Pre-Connected Jet Siphons
By President Mark Davis
December 27, 2018

We like to see tankers well-equipped to provide more than just water. A tanker operating at a large-scale water supply operation is going to encounter two separate operations where fittings and adaptors and suction hose may be needed....the fill site and the dump site. Anything that can be done to expedite the set-up of a water supply operation is an action well-worth the effort. During our 2010 seminar in Westchester County, NY we found that the folks from Pound Ridge had their tanker ready to support a multi-tank dump site operation by having two jet siphons pre-connected in the tanker's suction hose. Using this arrangement, there is no need to search through compartments trying to find a jet siphon and no need to worry about which jet siphon fits which suction hose.. Often times simple preparations ahead of time make big impacts on "game day."