Dry Fire Hydrant Repair & Maintenance #04 - The Importance of Flow Testing
By President Mark Davis
March 8, 2018

Our website followers know we continually stress the importance of water supply source inspection and testing. Without flow testing, there is no definitive way to ensure the operational readiness of dry fire hydrant systems. The dry fire hydrant head shown in this news story clearly leaks. Local FD crews reported an inability to establish a prime. We connected a pumper and behold, no prime could be established. The pumper driver then back-flushed (allowed tank water to run into the DFH) and the problem was quickly found. The suction head needs to be replaced - there is no other type of repair that will remedy this problem.

Once again, the inspection and flow testing of dry fire hydrant systems in compliance with the recognized standards is very important to the success of a water supply delivery program.