What's on Your Tanker #06? - Texas
By President Mark Davis
March 23, 2017

A tanker (tender) is meant to supply water at a fire...anything we can do to speed up that process and improve efficiency is only going to improve our chances for a better outcome. Not every water supply operation involves a dump tank, some times a nurse tanker operation is needed or used in the early phases of an incident so that the initial fire attack is not interrupted. Sometimes...we just have to fill brush trucks at the scene of a woods fire. Whatever the event, being 'ready" for the job is the key to success.

During our February seminar in Austin County, Texas, something on Bastrop Tender 243 caught our eye, a simple set-up for a pre-connected discharge line. Undo a couple of straps and you can hook-up pretty darn fast to someone who needs water right away and send it to them. Nice work folks!